Sunday, March 21, 2010

Who All The Tea Party Wackos Hate

The Tea Party people "love America," except for all the days when they want to secede from the union! They're not content waving the American flag. They're claiming old flags from history as more valid. Real patriotic stuff there!

They love their "rights." They just don't love the rights of others. In fact, they have no love at all for others. Others are the enemy. If you're other than them, you're scum. That's how they think.

We've heard of their hatred again in the last few days, the N word being hurled at Civil Rights heroes and other blacks, gays called faggots, Mexicans called wetbacks, etc. Whoever you are, they hate you. Those who disagree with them are "Hitler." LOL!

That's the "America" the Tea Party haters want to get us "back to." I personally don't see it resonating with normal people.