Monday, March 8, 2010

Letters To Jackie

I read an article today about a book someone is publishing, quoting letters that people wrote to Jackie Kennedy after JFK's death.

I feel fairly good about a book like that, since it's the ignored stuff of history that is usually the most interesting. It's something that would say a lot about the lives of the ones who wrote letters. So if they're comfortable with all that coming out, it seems like something to welcome.

I can't remember if I had the inclination to write to her at the time. I must not have, since I definitely don't remember doing so. It seems like something I would remember. I was sad, of course, about the whole affair, and wished it hadn't happened.

That was supposed to be part of Jack Ruby's motivation for killing Oswald, being broken up about Jackie and the kids.

I liked the article for a few things, without referring to it directly. There was one girl who wrote every week for six months. It makes me wonder why she quit, unless it was just the sense that things were getting back to normal in six months. And our grief doesn't last forever. It said she went on to be a pastoral person of some sort, who now as an adult, recognized her present self in the old letters. Of wanting to be deeply involved in the lives of others, even in terribly tragic circumstances.