Monday, April 12, 2010

The Screeching Of Frogs And Other Creatures

Two days in a row I've taken my dog down to a park that has a swampy area behind it.

I'm not too sure why the city allows this swampy area to be there. I'm no ecologist but I've heard that swampy areas are a great breeding ground for mosquitoes. Since we generally know that's true, I can predict where the largest concentration of baby mosquitoes looking for their bottles will be.

At this point, though, it's not mosquito time. It's still nice out, cool and spring-like.

So we were down there a few times recently, including yesterday and today. Both days the frogs are really going at it. I guess it'd be frogs, making all those froggy noises. It's actually noisy in that area, but it's a good noise.

I was listening to it, trying to think of it in larger terms, like the underlying sound of all things. It's a great thing to hear. Now that I'm home, I wish I would've listened to it even closer.