Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Hitchcock's "The Ring"

I've been watching Alfred Hitchcock's "The Ring" film the last couple days while doing my morning and evening exercises.

It's a very amusing film in lots of ways, with lots of great comedic bits. I love the guy, Gordon Harker, who I also remember from Hitch's film "The Farmer's Wife." He does a lot of the same kind of facial humor in "Ring" as he did in "Farmer's Wife." He was a definite treasure. And in "The Ring" he also picks his nose and his ears. He has a very funny face.

I like the setting for the film, which for quite a bit of it is a carnival, with weird carnys, like the tall man, the midget, etc. They're all gathered for the wedding of the ticket girl and the guy who takes on all comers in the boxing ring.

Speaking of the girl, she's a ditz. She marries the one guy, then she's oblivious to his feelings while she's busy cozying up with another guy, sitting on his lap, billing and cooing, the whole works. Anyone that stupid I certainly wouldn't want for a wife. If she didn't want to marry the first guy, she shouldn't have.

This is a silent film. The DVD I have has a nice musical soundtrack. It's been a real fun film to watch so far.