Monday, August 4, 2008

Republicans: Pro-Flat Tire!

For those who might have been afraid they'd seen everything, this year takes us down an even sillier byway, thanks to the Republicans and John McCain.

They've long been deniers of reality, of course, but this year they're outdoing themselves, suggesting that it'd be more efficient in terms of gasoline costs if we just drove on flat tires!

All these years we've thought that air in tires was our friend. It turns out to have been a two-pronged deception: 1) it's been a waste of air; 2) it's used more gas, not less!

It's true, you know. Think of all the rubber we've wasted by making tires and putting air in them! (Hey, Ohio, are you listening? The Republicans are now against tires!)

We'll let John McCain himself explain, "If you'll look closely, my friends, it's only flat on one side. Our task, our goal, will be to make sure it's flat all the way 'round."