Thursday, August 28, 2008

Purity Rings

I've read several of the reviews of the Jonas Brothers' new album, which I think is great. It seems obligatory to mention that they wear "purity rings" and don't drink, smoke, do drugs, or eat crackers in bed.

Hey, if they want to live their lives like that, I think that's a great idea. I can't think of very many positives having to do with teenagers (and anybody) doing drugs, smoking, drinking, and being promiscuous.

We all know about hormones, of course, so eventually nature will take its natural course. But there's nothing wrong about having some willpower and trying to do the right thing. They can be a good influence to other kids.

As for their album, maybe it's so good because of pent-up hormones. I don't know but the idea of compensation and trade-offs, energy channeled into something else, might make a difference. That's what the yogis say anyway.