Friday, May 16, 2008

Mike Huckabee's Disastrous Joke

I can't believe it. Mike Huckabee jokes about Obama diving to avoid gunshot in an imaginary assassination attempt.

I watched the video at CNN, and he's going on in a very demur way, pandering to the NRA but apparently in sincerity and without malice. He's used to making speeches, sermons. He's got the goods when it comes to personal restraint, more or less. But suddenly there's a loud noise backstage and he comes out with a totally worthless quip about Barack Obama diving for the floor because someone's pointing a gun at him. It makes you wonder. How did Huckabee have that thought cued up and ready to go at a second's notice?

I know how it goes when you're giving a speech. You feel like joking around, but this is a place for caution, because afterwards (maybe 30 seconds afterwards) you're kicking yourself, wondering, 'Why did I say that stupid thing?' But Huckabee melted right back into his serious policy pandering and appeared oblivious to the disaster that his quip was. (I quit watching about 20 seconds after the quip, so if he realized his stupidity and apologized, I missed it.)

This is a disaster for Mike Huckabee. This is something a serious presidential or vice presidential candidate should not be joking about. It is sickening, and I hate all joking about presidential assassinations (or candidates).

We're coming up on the 40th anniversary of Bobby Kennedy being gunned down, in early June. And it wasn't funny. Or MLK or JFK. Not funny at all.

I'm a Democrat, but I wanted to punch a guy out who I worked with at the time when President Reagan was shot. The guy made a joke about it, like he thought it was a good thing. And I'm still steamed about it just thinking of this idiot.