Monday, May 31, 2010

Seeing Baby Birds

Tonight I was mowing the yard, and I saw the second baby bird on the lawn within a week and a half.

The other one I saw a week and a few days ago later died. Because I saw it the next day in about the same place, dead. Then other little creatures took over its decaying body, and it's either almost gone now or about gone.

Tonight there was another one, in a different place. This one I only saw once, hopping around. Then the next time I came back around I didn't see it.

I'm not ever going to try to "help" these creatures, because I don't know what to do, and because it goes against my philosophy, more importantly. They need to fend for themselves. And nature has its way, which is fly or die, get with the program or bye bye birdie.

It makes me a little sad to see it -- but that's just sentimentality, I know. They need to do their thing in life, like we all do.