Friday, July 25, 2008


I'm currently on an exercise jag, meaning I go to a fitness place everyday and do something. Usually the elliptical. It's like running but your legs are doing banging against the ground all the time.

I was very unfaithful to going for a while. But then my doctor was asking me about it, and I said I was aiming at four days a week and not making it. He said aim at seven days a week and if you can't make it for something reason, that'd still be plenty. So I'm aiming at seven days a week, literally seven days a week without fail. He said to set a time, like treating it like an appointment. I haven't done that precisely, and the time varies, but I've "found the time" everyday since, which was almost three weeks ago. So that's pretty good.

This is a streak. Streaks and I don't always get along too well. It might be better for me to miss once in a while -- and I will have to, because I don't stay in town 365 days a year. But if my streak gets to be too long, then being out of town I might be looking around for a place to exercise to keep it going.

I've been going like crazy, though, and like anything the more you do it the easier it is. Shooting for a mile in the first eight minutes. Today I did it in 6:50, which I know is not Olympics speed but pretty fast on an elliptical.