Tuesday, September 16, 2008

McCain's "My Friends" Tic

I think I could get used to John McCain's "My Friends" tic. What I'm trying to say is there's nothing wrong with friendship. You need to be a friend to have friends. And clearly John McCain has friends, so he must be a great friend.

I was just at an event this weekend where the main speaker had another tic, the repeated and prolonged "uhhhh" and "aaaaa," and when he was really searching, it was "aaaaa-aaaa-aaaa." It was all I could do to sit there. I was thinking of some of those videos -- kind of like this "My Friends" one -- and in the primaries someone did one of Fred Thompson doing that dullard kind of "uhh" over and over. It'd be boring to hear this speaker on one of those videos, just like it was terrible to hear the first time.

But if he would've said "My friends," even an occasional "Uhh My Friends" or "AAAA My Friends" that might not have been so bad.

I've heard preachers use the "My friends" phrase, but of course only occasionally, when they're trying to pull in and make a really good point. Not as a nervous tic. You could stretch it out in a nice way, like, "My friends -- and you are all my friends --" then go on to make your point.